Sunday, August 29, 2010

Is This Real Life?

My brother will be 16 tomorrow. WTF, y'all?
My trip to DC was great, exactly what I needed. Details to follow soon.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I'm going to DC this weekend (tomorrow through Sunday) to visit one of my college roommates. Michelle, my bff, also a college roommate, is coming too, so that we can have a good old nostalgic weekend full of girly shit.
Man, I'm so excited. I just can't wait to sit around with two old friends and just soak up their love & their company.
So far I'm aware of the following: a trip to the top of the Washington Monument, a Glenn Beck rally to crash, carb-loading before hitting the bars, and brunch on Sunday (and a museum or two).
Sounds like heaven, no?

Monday, August 16, 2010

You Know Those Days

The ones when you don't really like yourself? When you dwell on something you did or said that you regret? Something that's not even that big, but that just make you unhappy with yourself? When you feel like you need to cleanse yourself of yourself? Ugh. I'm having one of those.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Get Ready

I'm scheduled to be internet-ready on August 14. So all of you out there that are just holding your breath for my next installment, get ready, you're about to get blogged on a regular basis (maybe).

Thursday, August 5, 2010

It Happened Again

I went the entire month of July without posting anything. My brother was here for the first three weeks of the month, and I still don't have internet at home, and work is just too damn busy to spend time posting blogs. So there you have it. Just a quick run-down of life this summer:
My visit with my brother was great. I was sad to see him leave, but I am enjoying the return of naked mornings in my studio apartment.
I am broke (thanks, bro), and trying to cram in the overtime now that I don't have a fifteen year-old to entertain in the evenings, and I'm trying to fund a trip to DC at the end of August.
I'm growing two tomato plants and I ate my first cherry tomato yesterday. It was delicious. However, someone (or something) has stolen two of the big Brandywine tomatoes off of the plant while they were still green. I hope that the other two last to maturity. I've been watching them grow with bated breath.
It is as hot here (and has been for weeks) as I can ever remember it. I must admit that it makes me consider the temperature in Hell and secretly regret my heathen ways.
I am trying to get back on the health track. My work-outs are fine (though I could stand to change it up a bit), but my food intake has been very indulgent; and I'm blaming it on the heat (and working out in the morning leaves me with more time in the evenings) that a beer sounds amazing every single evening when I leave work. The weekday drinking has become a too-often habit.
So, here's to August! Even with the heat, I don't want summer to be on its way out already. I feel like we've only just started getting to know each other.