Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Words cannot express the joy of getting your car fixed. I mean, really, they really can't. I'll try anyway. The sum total I've spent since August getting my tags came to $588. That's for three mechanics, a tune up, emissions, two tickets, and the actual price of tags. And while that sends me into a frenzy of panic over how I will ever pay off my credit card, and how I will ever make Christmas happen, much less get to Michigan for the is an enormous relief to have my car back. To not be hitching rides to and from work. To not be stuck at home once I've gotten there. To not tremble in fear every time I drive past a cop with my 3-month expired tags.
Ahhh...sweet, sweet freedom. When the lady at MARTA told me I'd passed the test, I seriously wanted to hug her. I broke into this huge grin and told her to have a good day instead. She returned my well wishing halfheartedly. Then I headed to the Hermitage Police Precinct to get my new tags. It was like angels shining down upon me when I stuck that new sticker on.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
I will bask in this calming light and ponder whether maybe the universe does transpire to help you achieve the things you need. More on that later.

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