Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Okay, it's not scoliosis, but I don't know what it is.
I have one bump of spine that has been sore for a while. Maybe months. Over the winter I assumed it was the knot on the back of my coat that rubbed there when I drove. Or the place where my dog invariably dug his bony spine into mine when he curled up against me in bed.
I noticed it on Monday, and thought to myself, "Why are you still here? Why won't you go away?" Boom doesn't lay in that spot so much anymore. I haven't worn any tie-in-the-back shirts in a few months. It feels like a bruise. My back doesn't hurt. It's not sore, it's just if you poke that one bone, it feels bruised.
I asked Tony to look at it. He said it's got a little rash. He thinks it's ringworm. I've seen ringworm, and I don't think that's what it is. Now I'm a little afraid that I've got some serious condition that I've not even been paying attention to.
Time to go to the walk-in clinic just to make sure...

1 comment:

Emotional Mullet said...

Time to go into the walk-in clinic, indeed.

I once had a sore spot on my back that I ignored for a bit. Eventually I gave in to the pain and went to the doc. The spot turned out to be an inverted glob of fat that they had to surgically remove. Gross. I had a glob of back fat.

You needed to know that, didn't you?