Thursday, July 24, 2008

I Love the Weekend.

I am so tired this morning. I don't know why. I slept like a rock last night. I woke up in a panic because Tony wasn't there. He's been getting up and sleeping on the couch, because he has this heinous cough that's keeping us both up. So I thought that he had done that, but when I look at the clock I see that it's 7 a.m. and he's actually just in the shower. But I never heard him get up.
When I finally ripped myself out of bed, my eyes were still only partially open. It took a half an hour to feel awake, and I wouldn't say that I'm there yet.
I think it could be the overindulgence in the drinks lately. I haven't exercised all week. I'm feeling like a fatty. A tired one. Good thing the weekend is coming, and I get to start over again next week. Oh yeah, and sleep.


Anonymous said...

I had a hard time waking up this morning, too. And I'm a morning person. I had to get a Starbucks drink to wake me up. I think my problem is the fact that I ate Mexican twice yesterday. I had Rosepepper for lunch & Cinco for dinner (not my choice). I guess my body is tired from trying to digest all that rice & beans...

muggins mouse said...

i haven't worked out but once in like three weeks. i look preggs. we need a greenway walk and/or a radnor hike! (oh, and a cord's pool at lunch break day!)