Monday, October 19, 2009


My underwear are shrinking again. I thought breaking up was supposed to make you lose weight, not gain it. I keep planning to lay low and work out and be healthy, and then life gets in the way. I've been eating whatever I desire and not getting in the workouts that I should. I've also been spending way too much money.
I theoretically like the fall, but once I have to dress for fall weather, I feel inadequate and under dressed. Fall dressing costs so much more than summer. Why are these the things that I worry about?
Anyway, it's about time to reign in the spending and beer and general sloth. I need a plan. I need to stick to it. These past few months it's been my goal to turn inward and start focusing on myself. I know I can't totally drop off the social scene without depressing repercussions, but I need to get my bodily health back to where it was last year. I haven't been on top of it for a while.

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