Monday, March 8, 2010


Wake up to sunshine streaming through all five giant, campsite windows. Peek at my Tree Of Life. Lay in bed longer than I should while considering playing hooky on such a nice day. Make a delicious breakfast of (warmed) frozen berries, plain yogurt, and imitation honey bunches of oats. Read some Genesis. Shower but don't wash my hair. Get to work on time but not early like I'd hoped. Correspond with record labels and licensing. Set up label copy. Sneak out for a walk in the sun. Eat a delicious salad. Take another walk in the sun. Try not to be a piglet but fail. Make jokes with the EmoMullet instead of looking at the LTD. Start a project but leave at quittin' time instead of staying late like I should. Go to the Y. Sweat. Run 1.50 miles but not continously. Figure out that W&M and ODU stand for William & Mary and Old Dominion and secretly pat myself on the back for being so awesome at college basketball. Wonder to myself why I just can't get into women's basketball? Stare longingly at the game of full court basketball which is impeding my ability to shoot some hoops in the gymnasium. Drive home. Shower. Heat up frozen vegetables for dinner. Count my calories. Eat two extra Dove Bliss Caramel Filled chocolates for dessert 'cause the piglet managed to maintain her calorie count against all odds. Smush the biggest brown recluse I've ever seen. Watch his legs twitch and wonder if he's dead and it's just his nervous system or if the twitching amounts to his last pangs of death. Go pick up Nessa to take old books and bad cd's to McKay. Discuss The Wire. Peruse the aisles for Jay-Z's Black Album or The Blueprint. Sigh that people don't get rid of good cd's. Wander through aisles smelling the delicous smell of books. Get $33 for twenty years' worth of discarded books and cd's. Stop at CVS to spend windfall on unnecessary beauty products. Laugh with Nessa at the various and sundry items available for purchase at CVS (imitation George Foremans, dog Snuggies, Bumpits, small appliances). Make jokes with the cashier while purchasing $8 shampoo and conditioner and don't really feel guilty about it. Discuss Brangelina's absence from the Academy Awards last night. Drop off Nessa. Drive home. Get mail - nothing good. Sit in front of my laptop and long to write but can't capture my thoughts, and so instead type out in strange narrative form the events of my day. Eat too many caramel candies and ruin my daily calorie goal. Leave the windows open at bedtime to smell the rain coming in. Fall asleep after reading about Isaac and Rebekah.

1 comment:

muggins mouse said...

love this post. one of my favs. and super excited about mckay's. i have been wanting to take some cds to sell and hadn't even thought of going there. so thanks!!