Friday, April 25, 2008

Bush Check

Does that sound dirty to you? It's 'cause you're dirty. No really...this is what my bff from high school calls that stimulus package tax rebate that we'll be getting in the next month or so. She's not being ironical either...and I find it to be incredibly funny.
I've been surfing etsy, and I think I've found a few items that I might want to spend my Bush Check on. Besides a wax, that is...
1) What the Heck Pillows - from littlelegwarmers.
2) Mathilde or Corinne - among others from Unconventionalida (or the eyes, or the albino twins, or ophelia...oh so many). I pretty much like everything listed I don't know how I'll decide...probably by price. As you can see from her displays, they look even better grouped together, so I don't see how I can buy just one.
3) Yellow Aviary Purse from theseawithin...and there are so many on here as well! I think this girl might be after theorangebicycle's own heart when it comes to fabric...
Bush that check, girls! Buy handmade.


muggins mouse said...

haha, I saw that Yellow purse too - don't you LOVE it! It matches your little radio-face-sack.


TheSeaWithin said...

Hey! I randomly saw you blog! Thanks for posting about my purse.

Nice blog!