Friday, April 11, 2008

Nervosa I'm getting my hair cut this evening. I'm a pretty non-commital type woman when it comes to such things. I've gotten my hair cut about...five times in the last three years, and two of them were Valentine's Day presents. I can't seem to find a person that I like enough to stick with, and it's always so pricey. I've rooted out a rather inexpensive lady, and I have high hopes. She comes recommended by a friend who always has really great hair, and I'm hoping for some magic.
I'm just in one of those slumps where I don't like anything about my appearance. I've been working out and trying to eat more healthfully, but I'm not seeing much progress. Last year's bathing suit season was the schlumpiest I've been, and I don't want to feel that way about it again this year.
So anyway, I'm hoping to get a new haircut that I really like (or at least don't hate), and maybe it will give me good motivation for skipping the dessert. You know, like, "No, Nichole, you don't need those donuts, they won't help your body match your awesome hair."
I've got in mind (& picture) the cut that I want (it's actually the same picture that I've taken to every stylist - so we'll see what this woman's interpretation is), but I'm not sure what to do with the color. I dyed it dark just before Christmas after years of highlights and being pretty much blonde. I like it well enough in real life, and it's actually pretty close to my natural color now, but I don't like it in pictures. It often has a reddish, brassy tint, and I think that it makes my reddish face look more red. So, I don't know. We'll see. If I like it I might post a picture. If I don't, then this wedding I have to go to tomorrow is going to be unpleasant.


Anonymous said...

Check out my friend Erika @ Green Pea Salon on 12th Ave S. It's a new salon & I've heard it's cool. I've already sent 3 friends there & they all left pleased. Erika is awesome. I think you'll really like her.

The Green Pea Salon
2900 12th Ave S

Ask for Erika. Tell her Kim referred you.

muggins mouse said...

i can't wait to see it! i'm sure it will be super hot. :)