Sunday, January 25, 2009

Shopry Mills

We went today. Have I told you how I hate shopping? Well, I do. I lost some weight over last year, and I seem to be slowly piling it back on. I guess that's the way it goes, right? Well, I wasn't really in the mood for shopping, but I had some jeans to take back to Old Navy, along with a "Free Pair of Denim On Us" card (let me say as a side note that when you're dissatisfied with a product or an experience - write a letter. Always. Write a letter, and send it to the customer service department. You never know what they'll send back to you in the hopes of remedying the situation). I had a bad experience with a pair of Old Navy jeans, and hence, the "Free Pair of Denim On Us" card was born.
Well, let me also just say that the Old Navy of Opry Mills has possibly the worst lighting ever. I tried on about eight pairs of jeans, and they all fit, but weren't necessarily the flattery that I was going for. It also didn't help that every time I removed my jeans, every dimple on my thighs and every stretchmark everywhere else were on display. Dear god, y'all would move more product if you had some dimmer lighting. It was enough to make me sink back into my old jeans and slink out of the store with only a pair of yoga pants. That's right, Old Navy, you sure showed me. I'll be working this ass out for a few months before I saunter back in there, trying on jeans in the worst-lit dressing rooms of all time.
It was "inspirational" though. Inspiration to put the Oreo's away, and head back to the Y with a vengeance. Closer to the vengeance that I had at this time last year and farther from the weak vengeance I've been mustering. I tried on the jeans that I had returned, same cut, same style, same wash, slightly thicker denim, and I felt like a sausage. It was discouraging to say the least. The only thing that made me feel better was that my incredibly fit boyfriend said the mirror also played tricks on him, making him feel that his not-quite-cut abs looked more like a beer gut. I'd be content to just get back to my September weight and then maybe start toning up those dimples that are oh-so-evident on the Old Navy mirror.
I hate coming to terms with the girls that I'm never going to be. I'm never going to be fashion forward or trendy. I'm never going to be stick straight with an awesome set of knockers. I'm never going to be spot-on with accessories or hairstyles. I wish that I could just accept these things about myself and make the most of what I've got. I'd say I do that some of the time. Sometimes I can say, you are the girl with the big booty and heels and basic tank top/cardigan/GAP sweater (that your boyfriend picked out for you). Hell, you are the girl with the boyfriend who's always going to be dressed better than you are. So get your tan in the summer, buy your tank tops, find that one pair of jeans you feel confident in, and stop worrying about it. You are who you are. You're getting a little old to not be comfortable with yourself. Oh yeah, and maybe stop eating so many Joe Joe's and get your @ss to the Y.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Oh My Goodnesses

I have just watched the most amazing, most inspiring, most interesting documentary I have ever seen. I know what you're probably expecting, and it's not that. It's the Pixar Story. If you liked any of the Disney Pixar movies, any of their, what is it now, EIGHT, visual masterpieces, you should check out this documentary. Once you watch this film you realize why every single one of their full-length films has been a hit. It's because the company is filled with these people who are dedicated to making an amazing product, not just pushing out movies to make a buck. It was totally inspiring to watch. Literally gave me goosebumps a couple times, maybe 'cause I've loved so many of their movies, but maybe because it was just that moving to watch a company that had so much heart and devotion and took these great risks to make something that they could be proud of. Oh, to be so passionate about one's work. It must be radical. And this was all filmed before Wall-E. I can't even imagine how they're going to top themselves now.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Ticky Tacky

"And they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same." Five points if you know what that's from...Yes, Random House. That's the name of my game.
Hmmm, to do the year in review or not? I can't decide. I think it's still too fresh. Being 367 days past its prime and all. I did, however, make New Year's resolutions. I will list them for you:
1. Call Austin every Sunday.
2. Exercise 4-5 times per week.
3. Eat more fresh fruits and veggies.
4. Shop at the farmer's market for said fruits and veggies.
5. Go to ALL of my book club meetings (I was a tad absent in '08).
6. Buy a house.
7. Pay 1/2 of my credit card balance (numbers 6 & 7 should maybe be reversed, no?).
8. Have dance parties.
9. Be grateful.
10. Volunteer.
Personally, I think ten is a nice, round number. I'm sticking with it. I'm sticking with these resolutions too. I will MAKE them happen. That's how I'll be rolling in 2009. This year's motto is: Time to stop talking about it and start being about it. Sounds badass, right?