Monday, November 16, 2009

Remember That Time

-you stole all of my good cd's?
-you hated Skittle cars?
-I loved chicken wings and actually ate them?
-we went to the pool instead of to work?
-we lived in one room, with all of our stuff?
-we were happy?
-we had Sunday night movie nights in our big, comfy, ugly chair?
-I helped you with (ahem, did) your homework so we could hang out sooner?
-Boom peed on you on the drive from hell?
-we were going to buy a house?
-you were the best part of my day?
-you weren't ready?
-I didn't stand up for the things that I wanted?
-you were my best friend and my family?
-I hated that dog sweater and you made me repent?
-I ruined Angie's bachelorette party?
-your sister read our "Hey Ya" texts?
-you pumped iron?
-I kissed a girl?
-we got in a fight, got over it, & swam in our panties-all in one night?
-I'd cry when I had to leave you?
-my cup ranneth over?
-you loved & hated morning kisses?
-my mom was a vision in sequins?
-I won a right-hand ring?
-we lived with your brother? and his wife? and their dog?
-I missed your finish line?
-we had it?
-we lost it?
-we didn't take each other for granted?
-and then we did?


Emotional Mullet said...

I love you.

Becky Brown said...


Funny the stuff that you remember, and remember that you forgot, and have trouble getting over ...