Thursday, May 27, 2010

Some Things

1. A man three times my age asked me to go to the symphony with him while also ensuring me that he is not a dirty old man. I've never been to the symphony. I kind of want to go. But I can't decide. I can't decide whether it's an opportunity to hang out with an interesting person and have a very unique life experience. Or if I would simply find myself out on a date with an 80-year-old Frenchman wondering how I get myself into such odd situations.

2. Work is picking up. I am starting to really get the hang of my new job. And to like it.

3. My brother is coming to visit me next month. He is 15. He's going to be staying a little over a month. Anybody have family friendly, low-cost ideas for stuff we could do? So far I've got movies in the park, roller derby, a three-day trip to visit more family in Alabama on the roster. Maybe some bowling? Skating? 'Cept those aren't that cheap. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with him while I'm at work all day. I was hoping to find him some sort of summer employment to keep him busy while I'm bringing in the bacon, but I haven't had much luck with the small amount of effort I've put into that one. Me and the bro in the treehouse! Should be interesting!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Life Is Too Short To Live It In Limbo

Sage advice from an old soul.
But it's always so much easier in theory than it is in practice.
Or maybe it's just easier to make excuses than to figure out what we really want for ourselves.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


It's amazing the effects that that much-needed, long distance, hour-or-three-long chat with your best friend can have. Like plunging an epi-pen into your heart after having an allergic reaction to life. I love you.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


We had one. Pretty epic. It's way worse than even I realized that it was. I took a whore-bath today in my efforts to conserve water. They are surprisingly refreshing!
I wish I had lots of facts for all of you non-Nashvillians to inform you about our recent hardships, but I don't. I do know that the damage wasn't spread evenly. Some parts of town look completely normal and other parts are still underwater.
Thankfully my home is fine and everyone that I know is safe, but that's not the case for many. This guy sums it up nicely:
Almost all of the bloggers in my blog roll have addressed the issue much more eloquently than I have here. I urge you to check out And Another Thing and The Blonde Mule in particular.
My office organized volunteer activities for tomorrow afternoon, so I think that that's when it's really going to hit home. I'm glad to be able to do something.