Thursday, October 21, 2010


I had this epiphany a year or two ago when I dropped a bit of weight that health and fitness are an uphill battle. You eat well, you get your work out in, and you feel great about it. Then you realize that you have to do it all over again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the day after that, forever and on into eternity. You never get to just sit back and hand it to yourself for the job well done and leave it be. Otherwise, all that effort will slowly dissolve back into your thighs.
Which brings me about to where I am right now. Somehow, my break-up caused me to gain weight rather than lose it. I blame it on all of the cheese and crackers I enjoyed during my first winter in the tree-house. And too much snacking at work and not enough exercise.
I've been trying to get back on track all summer (some of last year's jeans are too snug to wear!), but life always seems to get in the way. Hanging out with the girls or watching the game with the boys or working overtime instead of walking the dog. How does one balance her social agenda with her health goals and her budget? How can we ever be happy with our bodies without spending every iota focused on attaining what we want? And why am I so certain that being thinner will solve anything? I certainly wasn't happier last year, when I weighed five fewer pounds than I do now.
Ho hum. Nothing to do but plod along. Day after day. In search of balance. And fitting into last year's jeans.


Anonymous said...

Change your workout so it's not the same thing, or even at the same place day after day.

The Blonde Mule said...

Girlfriend, give it up. As your older & wiser 34 year old friend, I assure you it doesn't matter. Live your life, have fun, exercise, eat smart 80% of the time & to hell with the rest of it.