Saturday, November 27, 2010

Down The Way

Angus & Julia Stone: my musical crush of the moment. A brother/sister duo from Australia. I was recently introduced to their sophomore album, and I really can't stop playing it. It's gorgeous, mellow, sultry winter music. Makes you (and by you I mean me) want to settle in around a table with good friends, some sort of dark liquor in hand, fireside, with stories and board games.
I don't think I've ever said this before, but I'm sort of ready for the winter.
I'm working on a winter mix tape. I'll be sure to share it on here once it's complete. In the meantime, this song is sure to be featured:

(Sorry, y'all, my internet savvy is relatively lacking, and the embed code was disabled, so link it is).

1 comment:

danielle said...

Yes, yes, yes, yes. Thank you! I love it.