Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Walkin' On Broken Glass

I heard this song on the way to work this morning. And I don't guess I've ever paid attention, but, why is the song so uptempo and happy feeling when she's singing about walking on glass? Broken glass? I don't know. Maybe that's the point. I haven't listened to all of the words, maybe she explains some kind of conondrum in between the choruses (chori?)?
Well, I'm feeling happy like the tempo of the song. Even though I was really tired this morning...from what, I'm not sure. Last night I arrived home from the YMCA to my boyfriend making dinner (oh so healthy - fish sticks and mac & cheese, but whatever, we eat fairly well, the guy should get some fish sticks and mac & cheese every once in a while, don't you think?). Also waiting for me were several stalks in my little pre-container garden!!! I wasn't feeling especially positive about it, considering that they weren't getting much sun, and I was afraid they were too cold. So how excited was I when I saw those? Four healthy looking stalks and some more peeking through the compost (someone read her gardening book. score!). One of cucumber and several of tomatoes. Now I'm really, super excited, but a little unsure of what to do now? Do I leave the plastic wrap on there for the full six weeks? Won't it stunt their growth? Hmmm...sounds like I need to do some Googling, no?
I also kicked Mariokart's a* last night and opened up a new board. How pumped am I? I know Tony is so jealous because he's been beating me at games all weekend, and I'm sure he wanted to be the first one to open a mystery board. I must say I have a slightly victorious glow from this achievement. I think a Wii night with my work ladies will be in order sometime soon.

*I'm trying to cuss less, in honor of my revered grandpa.


muggins mouse said...

i am TOTALLY down for a wii night!! you know this!! :-) congrats on winning - hah!

Betsy said...

My little brother used to sing that that song as "Monkeys on Propane Gas."

You'll understand how uncannily accurate that is the next time your hear Annie belt it out.