Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Wild Hair

Do you know what I find to be absolute torture? When you find those two wild hairs that grow on your face (I actually have three. One on my chin. It's bristley like pig hair. And two crazy black witch hairs that grow on my cheek/jawline), and you can't get to any tweezers because you're at work and they're one of the few things that you don't carry in your giant, carry-all of a bag. And why is it that you can sit there all day at work fooling with it, when you have no tweezers, but when you go home, and don't sit on your butt and actually do things, you forget about them, even though your remedy is only inches away. Grr...only to find yourself at work, the following day, in the same desperate situation as yesterday. Will it ever end?
Oh, the plight of the lady.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I'm so with you. Seriously, I do the exact same thing every day at work. Well, not EVERY day, but often enough.

Acorn + Archer said...

i have the same hairs! what's wrong with us? the worst is when i'm in the car and the sun shines on them and my husband "kindly" let's me know that it's time to pluck. so not cool.