Friday, June 25, 2010

The Once And Future King

Kay: "He was one of those people who would be neither a follower or a leader, but only an aspiring heart, impatient in the failing body which imprisoned it."

The Lothian Princes: "Indeed, they did love her. Perhaps we all give the best of our hearts uncritically - to those who hardly think about us in return."

Lancelot: "...there was shame and self-loathing which had been planted there when he was tiny...It is so fatally easy to make young children believe that they are horrible."

King Arthur: "He had never been unjustly treated, for one thing, so he was kind to other people."

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I haven't been absent on purpose. I have things to write about! I have things to share!
However, the guy who was so kindly sharing his internet service with me, "Hillbilly Hollywood," has up and disappeared, and my laptop doesn't want to let me log on to any of the other unsecured networks available to me. Therefore, I've had no internet at home for the past three weeks. And work has been busy as hell, so there just hasn't been time.
Update on the old guy: I didn't go to the symphony. I chickened out. The Blonde Mule's advice about how to handle the situation would've been very helpful if I'd seen it one day sooner. I might've gone if I'd seen it that day, but I didn't. So, I didn't go to the symphony with my old friend.
I drove to Michigan last weekend to pick up my brother. He's visiting for a few weeks. The visit with my family went well, although I didn't see much of my grandparents or my mom. On Friday night we played hide and go seek with flashlights in the dark (my brother and some cousins). It was fun. And beautiful. And calming. The hiding part, at least. You know those moments when you take a second to stop and look around and really soak it all in? That moment where you feel at peace? When your brain stops whirring and you can just appreciate that particular feeling? Someone told me once that that feeling is God, speaking to you, but that you might not recognize it for that. I don't know, but there was one really distinct one of those, which I think I'll probably remember forever. Or at least a long time.
I met my new cousin. He's adorable. I have lots of thoughts on that. I have lots of thoughts about everything recently. Or all the time. But, you know what I mean. This visit home and this time with my brother has me ruminating on things. How quickly time passes by. How babies grow up. How your cousins turn into adults and how blood ties you to people that you manage to know little about, or people whose lives you only get to see in small slivers of time.
My brother is growing up. And I see how far away from each other we are. I wonder if this month will help us grow closer? We're trying to get him a job while he's here, but fifteen is turning out to be a tricky number when it comes to employment.
We shall see, I suppose. More later.
PS: Listened to "The Prince Of Frogtown" by Rick Bragg on the drive. Probably why I'm contemplating family so much right now. I suggest you check him out if you've never read him. If you live in The South. If you like good writing. If you have parents. You will enjoy his work.