Thursday, September 9, 2010


So. Tomorrow is my 29th birthday. It has been a year. Probably the most difficult of my adult life. I have regrets and sadness and disappointment. But I have also made changes for the better. I have revelations and friends and strength and direction. I got a card from my grandma, and it seemed to hit just the right spot with me. I don't even care if it's cheesy. It's like a little mantra for the year, maybe. And unexpected bursts of love from one's family never hurt anybody.
"Life Legacies: Thoughts For My Granddaughter On Her Birthday"
Live Deep
Never stop learning, playing, or finding wonder in the world around you.
Live the length of your life, but live the depth of it as well.
Travel Light
There is no use in carrying around worry and regret.
They only weigh you down.
Always keep yourself open to hope and to love.
They give us wings.
Forgive Imperfections
in yourself and in others.
Imperfections keep things interesting.
They're the cracks where the light shines through.
Own Beautiful Things
And not just to keep in the drawer, tucked away for a perfect day.
Surround yourself with things that make you happy, that remind you of the beauty all around us
if we only keep our eyes open to it.
Make Mistakes
Follow detours. Sometimes it takes an unexpected turn to help us find the life that is waiting for us around the bend.
Trust yourself and the path that is meant for you.
Take Care Of Yourself
And sometimes that means you need the ice cream.
Be good to your body, but also to your mind and spirit.
You're the only one who can.
And Always, Always Know You Are Loved
You are a gift to this world and a blessing to me.
And that will never change.
The inscriptions says: This card says most of what I want to say but don't know how
Oh, Grandma. At this very moment I am paying back the karmic debt for all of the times I made fun of you for crying during movies, commercials and songs. I am certainly yours. Thank you.


The Blonde Mule said...

Happy birthday! 29 is hard. 30 is surprisingly easy & it goes up from there. At 30, you start to settle in a little & quit worrying about all the shit you wanted to get done by 30. Hang in there, it really does get better.

Now, go buy yourself a cupcake!

Unknown said...

I just got the same card from my grandma for my birthday! When I opened it I was all, "this is really nice! AND sounds familiar."
Aren't grandmas awesome?