Thursday, February 3, 2011

I Forgot

I forgot to tell y'all about Garth. He was amazing. I think that his talent lies in his ability to make you believe that he loves doing what he's doing as much as you love watching him do it. Three nights into a week and half of shows, and this almost fifty-year-old man is running around the stage, sweating buckets of water, singing his voice out just for you. That's how I felt anyway.
At the end of the show, for the second encore, he did what he called "house-keeping" and played some of the songs that people were holding up signs for. Most of these were either older or more obscure songs. He didn't really play any of my secret favorites, but I saw signs for two or three of my favorite songs. So even though he didn't play any of the unexpected ones that I was hoping to hear, there was something just as special about seeing signs for "When There's No One Around," and "Learning To Live Again," and "You Move Me." Cheesy as it may be, just knowing that one other person loved that song as much as I do, that that is the one song they would choose if they were asked, it made the night almost as moving as if he had played them.

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