Thursday, September 18, 2008

Oy Vey

The Squishy Brain Time persists. What I really think about telling you is that I love fruit snacks, Great Value Smiles, to be specific (all fruit snacks were not created equally) and also mayo.
I'm going on a girls' trip this weekend to the Gatlinburg area. I'm excited. It's sort of a group that I don't really hang out with all that much, but I have had a good time with them in the past. This is my second time for this trip with them, and I'm excited. The last trip consisted of a hike, lots of wine, lots of food and a viewing of Deliverance while camped out in a log cabin in the woods.
I'm about halfway through packing and the idea that my luggage contains tennis shoes, flip flops, tank tops and comfy pants is incredibly appealing. I can't wait to get on the road now. I might even ditch my now constant mascara...but given all the pictures (and video!) taken last time, maybe I won't. So yeah, I'm looking forward to some girl time. Should be fun. I may post pictures, depending on how incriminating they are.
A good weekend to all.

1 comment:

Emotional Mullet said...

Dear Chester, It is time for a new post. I watch you everyday...waiting...waiting...for a new post...and what am I rewarded with? Nada. Yes...I get to see your lovely face and booty almost every day...but you are one of my favorite wordsmiths. Bring it on Chica. Love you.