Wednesday, October 15, 2008

One Of Those Days

You know, when you're on edge? When certain people, like your sig o., have the ability to piss you off in about 2 seconds (poor guy) over minor infractions. Infractions that on another day might, say, make you laugh. When you have to remind yourself not to freak the eff out on him for taking your headphones on his run, when YOU spent your entire 45 minute drive home looking forward to the awesome walk/run you were gonna have with your dog, in the cool night air, with all those awesome new tunes you downloaded, the ones that get you super-pumped and full of adrenaline and endurance and stamina. Only to reach an empty home and discover that the idiot has stolen them when he KNEW that's what you were planning to do when you got home? When he KNOWS that it's getting dark earlier and earlier and you MUST go as SOON as you get home? And you can't sit around waiting for him because your blood will boil, and it will be dark and scary in your shitty apartment complex before he returns from the Greenway? But a walk/run without music is pretty much pointless? You know, those days? When you have to refrain from lashing out about headphones, because he just picked a bad day to do a mediocre bit of tomfoolery? Yeah, that day is today. Frick.

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