Tuesday, September 18, 2007

spring cleaning

So I've changed a few things around here. That darkness just wasn't for me. I needed some brightness around here. Also, I'll be writing with correct punctuation, I think.
I've started reading The Hobbit for my book club, which I've read many times, but not in the last few years, and I was struck by a sentence, so I'll share. Here's the sentence: "The dark came into the room from the little window that opened in the side of The Hill..." (Tolkien 21)*. Anyway, I liked the idea of the darkness coming in rather than the light going out. Maybe it's not that novel, but it struck me as a nice sentence. The only bad thing about library books is that you can't make notes in them. I love reading a book that I've made notes in years after the fact and seeing how much I have changed in my reactions to things.
Beyond themes of darkness...nothing. That's all there is today. Besides my 9-layer Tuscan lasagna (a la Sam's Choice brand) of which I will momentarily be enjoying a second helping.
More tomorrow about the crazy creditors and the difference between nauseous and nauseating.

*You're not getting a bibliography, so that's the extent of my citing.

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