Tuesday, April 14, 2009

And Also

I have bangs now. They were greasy after 5 hours. I'm hoping to adjust to their presence accordingly. And hoping to learn to stop touching them so much so that they won't be so greasy. I think that my days of skipping the wash cycle may be over. I hope I can wield the utensils that this new "style" requires. I'm somewhat illiterate in the ways of womanhood. Hair is definitely one of the areas in which I could use some tutelage. Life's a dance, right? You learn as you go? Hopefully I won't look too ridiculous while I'm figuring this one out.


The Blonde Mule said...

I've had bangs for 1,000 years & I don't wash every day. The trick is to not use too much product & to blow them out on the 2nd day. You might want to look into dry shampoo, too. You can find some at either Sephora or Cosmetic Market.

ND said...

thank you, ma'am! i shall certainly look into these things.