Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Boyfriend's Going Out Of Town

Here are the things that I will do every day:
1. Work out.
2. Eat whatever I want for dinner.
3. Have a dance party.
Here are the things that I will do whenever I want:
1. Watch whatever movies I want.
2. Control the remote.
3. Wear my sweatpants!
Here are the things that will be less fun without him:
1. Sleeping.
2. Cuddling up for that ten minutes of snooze button time.
3. Taking out the dog.
Here are the things that I am looking forward to:
1. All of the hot water that I want.
2. Grocery shopping sans man.
3. Girls' night with snacks and movies and hopefully a dance or two if I can talk them into it.

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