Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 1 - Solo

I've already made a liar out of myself. I didn't even work out. I ate a frozen pizza. I had a very slender dance party, so slender it was almost anorexic and almost can't be categorized as a dance party at all. Though I did get Boom in on it for about 15 seconds of The Cure. (Also, I watched Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. I vote "yes." Exactly what I wanted it to be).
Don't worry, though. I have an early dentist appointment tomorrow. That means I'll get to work early. That means I can go to Trader Joe's during my lunch and still get some overtime in. Which means I won't stay at work too late. Which means I can get home with enough light to walk the dog. And shower. And have a dance party. Or maybe reverse the order of those last two...whatever. And make something delicious and nutritious for dinner. Tomorrow will be mine.*

*Where's all this crazy positive energy coming from, you might ask? My lady parts! Pre-m.s. is over. Thanks be to Jesus for periods! Crazy lady hormones are banished. At least for the next 21-28 days. Whew. Hallelujah.

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