Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mumford's The Word

I got my hair cut again. It basically looks like the cut I got three-ish years ago. It's not quite shoulder-length. I'm pleased with it. Somehow having less hair looks like more hair when you have my hair.
I've been trying to work out and count calories and not be a piglet. My weight on the scales is pretty stagnant, and my thighs are still rebelling in my jeans. I guess two weeks is a little soon to be expecting results. I've just realized that I love food. I think about food. All of the time. I think the world falls into two categories of people, and I fall into the one that thinks about food all of the time. I can't help it. I enjoy it.
I am going to a birthday celebration this evening which involves Indian food and rollerskating. I hope I'm not making a wardrobe mistake by choosing leggings to skate in. They seemed like the most comfortable option.
A work homey sent me Mumford & Songs - Sigh No More yesterday. I recommend. I started on track 7 and then looped back to the beginning. I'm finding the sound to be very pleasing right now.
My new job is...I'm not sure how to describe it. I guess I'm still getting adjusted. I keep having dreams about it. Not the office itself, or the people, but the actual work. That happens to me when I start at a new position, and it usually indicates a degree of stress. I'm a work in progress, I guess.

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