Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Conversation With A Roach

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? You are dead! Why won't you die? Die! Die! Die! I hate you! You are dead! You are in pieces right now, how are you still trying to get away from me?!? Mother-effer..."

~rather angry one-sided conversation with a very resilient roach that I was beating with a broom at the time. In my bedroom.

My family isn't punishing me for breaking up with Tony. Nor are my friends, or his friends, or his family. He's not even punishing me. Everyone's been surprisingly supportive, actually. But, oh, the roaches are most definitely in his camp. And they are exacting a revenge that couldn't have been better planned to torment me.

1 comment:

the orange bicycle said...

actually, i'm punishing you.
i hired the things.