Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The New New

I sign my new lease and pick up my keys this Friday.
I have that nervous anticipation that I get after I've bought a new pair of jeans. I buy them, generally spending more money than I should have, then I take them home. I put them back on. I look at them in my own mirror. I sit in them. I put them on with my favorite shoes. I see if they hold up to my initial assessment.
I have to make sure that I still like them and that it wasn't a trick of the lighting or the sales assistant that convinced me that they make my ass look great.
Essentially, I feel the same way about this Friday. I'm nervous about seeing it again. I hope that I still like it. That it's as great as I remember it being. These are the things that I worry about. So silly, I know, but I can't seem to help myself.
Nervous. Excited. Nervous. Excited.

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